2022 Candidate Information
Scroll down for candidate statements and links to videos of public candidate forums
Scroll down for candidate statements and links to videos of public candidate forums
Candidates for Town Wide Office |
Candidates for Town Meeting |
WINDD has mailed a postcard to every candidate with an invitation to post statements about why they are running for office. We will post candidate statements as they were submitted. Please check regularly - there are a lot of candidates this year and the submissions tend to trickle in!
All candidates are encouraged to participate in this service to Dedham voters. If you're running for Town Meeting, please fill out this form to have your responses listed on our website. If you're running for Town-Wide Office, please fill out the form here. |
2022 Candidate Forum Sponsored by the Dedham Public Library, Dedham Junior Women's Club, and Women in Democracy Dedham. Watch here